Međunarodni dan mladih


Na Međunarodni dan mladih, ističemo ključnu ulogu podrške u uključivanju, povezivanju i osnaživanju mladih, kao planiranog i namjernog participativnog procesa u kojem su ideje, znanje, iskustva i perspektive mladih integrisane kroz strukture i programe organizacija civilnog društva i institucionalnog donošenja odluka, kako bi potrebe mladih bile viđene, te na njih adekvatno odgovoreno.


On International Youth Day, we emphasize the key role of support in engaging, connecting and empowering young people, as a planned and intentional participatory process in which the ideas, knowledge, experiences and perspectives of young people are integrated through the structures and programs of civil society organizations and institutional decision-making, so that the needs of young people are seen and adequately responded to.

#internationalyouthday #associationprogres